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Buffalo Turbine Air Blast Machine

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Air Blast

Equipment Type

Buffalo Turbine

Regions for Use


For more than 70 years, 布法罗涡轮机公司设计并制造了强大的空气爆炸设备,现在通过与乐虎网的独家联合开发协议可用于公共卫生. 布法罗涡轮机是液体或颗粒杀幼虫剂应用中最强大,最可靠的空气喷射机. 布法罗涡轮设备可以满足任何程序的要求:

  • Liquid or granular configurations available
  • Truck or trailer mounting systems
  • 标准TeeJet®喷嘴设置可选的微空气转换
  • 标准配备Clarke SmartFlow II系统,用于数据捕获和驾驶室开关控制

Product Details

About the Buffalo Turbine Sprayer

Air Blast Machines for Wide Area Larviciding

In 2016, 布法罗涡轮机最初用于公共卫生领域,用于控制整个迈阿密戴德县传播寨卡病毒的容器繁殖蚊子的广域幼虫. Since then, 这种应用方法在全国各地的蚊虫控制机构中越来越受欢迎.

布法罗涡轮应用已被证明在广泛的生境中有效控制幼虫, including:

  • Urban and suburban residential areas
  • Commercial districts
  • Construction, work and storage sites
  • Rural areas
  • Pasture and open fields; areas with transient water, such as woodland pools, ditches and marshy areas

Buffalo Turbine Sprayer Specs-at-a-Glance


  • Producing wind speeds up to 120 mph
  • 垂直喷射范围可达80-100英尺
  • 在开阔的野外生境提供450-600英尺的水平喷雾范围
  • 保持200-300英尺的有效范围

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